Khoj invites you to the launch of ‘The Horizon is an Imaginary Line: A Refugee Story’ on Thursday, 12th January 2017 from 6:00 PM onward
6:30 PM Reading by Himali Singh Soin
7:00 PM In-conversation: Authors Radha Mahendru and Bani Gill with contributors Koofe, Fatima, Hafez; moderated by Arpita Das (Publisher, Yoda Press)
The Horizon Is An Imaginary Line is a semi-fictional illustrated account of a young Somali woman’s encounters as a refugee in India. Through Maryam, we reflect on the lived experiences of alienation and marginalization as an ‘Outsider’ on the fringes of an increasingly bordered Global. Designed partly as an infographic, THIAIL sets out to dispel myths and assumptions about the “refugee crisis” and India’s ambiguous status within the global refugee regime.
The Horizon Is An Imaginary Line is a collaborative work informed by ethnographic research and a series of storytelling workshops with Somali refugees in Delhi. The project initiated and incubated at Khoj, growing from an ongoing engagement with the Khirkee Community.