Sangita Maity
Sangita Maity (b.1989) resides and works in Kolkata. Sangita finished her degree in printmaking at Rabindra Bharati University’s Faculty of Visual Arts, Kolkata. She has been engaged with the indigenous communities of Chota Nagpur plateau for several years in their makeshift settlements over time to understand cultural loss in the process of forced displacement and unlearning of their traditional and sustainable practices as custodians of their land during occupational migration. Series of portraiture, daily living practices, activities around the mineral rich landscape transformed by the mining industry and collective testimonies from the community on their experience with displacement are represented in her visual practice through a variety of media and material that are in dialogue with the material context of the region through innovative and experimental processes. She experiments at the intersections of photography, photo-etchings, serigraphy, and a variety of other practices. Her most recent projects focus on environmental, political, topographical, and sociocultural concerns related to an excess of rubber plantations in Tripura, the second-largest rubber-producing state in India. She engages with the land, goes to rubber-planted forests, and visits associated factories in Tripura in order to understand the occupational history and process of the people engaged in the industry.
Sangita’s selected exhibition include the 8th edition of Colomboscope curated by Sarker Protick, Sheelasha Rajbhandari, Hit Man Gurung with Artistic Director Natasha Ginwala, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2024); “Now They Stopped Building Granaries,” Solo exhibition, Shrine Empire, New Delhi (2022); “Legal Alien,” curated by Meera Menezes, Bikaner House, New Delhi (2019); Serendipity Arts Festival, curated by Rahaab Allana, Goa, India (2018); “When They Stopped Dancing,” Solo show, Clark House Initiative in collaboration with Shrine Empire, Mumbai, India (2018); “EXPERIMENTS,” Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Mumbai, India (2016); “Art for Young Collectors,” Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai, India (2014).
Sangita is a finalist for the Arte Laguna Award 2024. In 2015, she also received the CIMA Jury Award. Sangita Maity was part of the Arthshila x Khoj Residency in 2022 and participated in the Khoj Peers Residency 2014 at the Khoj Artists Association in New Delhi. The Government of India granted her the Junior Fellowship of the Ministry of Culture, 2018–2020.