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Indoor-Outdoor: Dancewalks With Foofwa D'Imobilite
A hybrid between walking and dancing, Dancewalks embody dance as voyage. Swiss artist Foofwa d’Imobilité introduced dancewalking at KHOJ as a form of dance that always travels through space: either outdoors, dancing through several kilometers, or indoors, dance-ambulating within a closed space.
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About this programme
4 December 2019, at 6PM
The indoor Dancewalk is a paradox that will be an initiation to the outdoor Dancewalk. The local and indoor Dancewalk let’s one apprehend with intimacy, the freedom of traveling through dance, in body and spirit, but within enclosed space(s). It is also an analytical and historical account of the 600 kilometers danced around the world by Foofwa d’Imobilité since 2015. On stage, surrounded by one vertical and one horizontal video projection, a lone female dancer, Alizée Sourbé, will dialogue with the audio-visuals of 30 Outdoor Dancewalk performances incarnating the particular kinaesthetic coordination of dancewalking. Through her live performance, the audience travels around the globe in communion with the Dancewalk participants captured on the video : musicians, dancers, amateurs, artists, professionals, children and all sorts of people in Switzerland, France, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russia, Iran, Mali, Burkina Faso, South Africa and China.
6 December 2019, at 3:30PM
In the outdoor Dancewalk interaction with the city, the landscape becomes poetry. The audiences walk along or join the Dancewalk, shattering the dividing line between performer and spectator. Each person in the energetic and joyous group can reaffirm their dancing personality. The whole experience becomes a celebration of freedom. The outdoor Dancewalk involves dancing through parts of a city. It is also a social and politic-ethical act through art, joy and a sense of community. Accompanied by dancers of his company, working with local dancers, musicians and artists, as well as inviting anybody to join the dance through workshops and classes, Foofwa declares through this dance in the public space that each one of us can reclaim one’s freedom and pride of being unique.
In the Khirkee edition, the walk will begin at Khoj and meander through Khirkee roads. It will end at Saket Select City mall, across the roads, underlining the contrast between the two parts of the city.
Foofwa d’Imobilité is a Swiss dancer, performer, choreographer, dance teacher and the artistic director of Compagnie Neopost Foofwa. Dancer with the Stuttgart Ballet and the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, Foofwa d’Imobilité started his career as a choreographer in 1998 in New York and founded the Neopost Foofwa Company in Geneva in 2000. Since then he has put his body and mind at the service of creations where the human, the generous, and the authentic prevail over aesthetics. His most recent works focus on the practice of “being-here-present”, which allows the works to be permeable to unpredictability, spontaneity and authenticity.