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Khoj Live 2012
Live Art is an umbrella term encompassing a range of performance, performative and time-based practices that are unrestricted by art form boundaries. The Festival ran a dynamic programme of events, which brought exciting and diverse practices together both on an Indian and an International platform.
About this edition
From the first International Workshop in 1997, to Khoj Live 2008 (a six-day Live Art festival) and most recently through a series of international residencies devoted to performance and time-based practices, Khoj has consistently engaged with the genre of Live Art.
In an attempt to further explore the possibilities of the genre, specifically within the context of contemporary cultural production in India, Khoj Live 2012 showcased thirteen works by artists working across contemporary dance, sound, fashion and gaming. While a number of artists pushed the boundaries of their respective practices using experimental choreography, design and languages of the digital era, others actively sought interaction and audience participation, challenging the traditional status of audience as passive spectator.
Over the course of the evening, performances unfolded across the venue, transforming The Kila’s diverse set of spaces, a state-of-the-art music club, a sprawling terrace, a central courtyard, a museum of film and art and a store for designer wear, into an active laboratory of new ideas, forms and experiences for artists and audiences alike.
A unique public event, Khoj Live 2012 aimed to provide an expanded articulation of time based art, its possibilities and potential.
Khoj Live 2012 was a collateral event of the India Art Fair.