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Khoj International Residency March - May 2024

Through the Khoj International Residency, Khoj wishes to support and incubate experimental creative practices that are across disciplines and are looking at art and its various intersections such as gender, urbanisms, ecology and technology.

About this edition

The Khoj International Residency will welcome artists in an international residency to explore and expand discourse in the field of craft, design, and technology through innovative artistic inquiry. Craft or crafting refers to the ways in which an object comes to form. Materiality, skill, repetition, tradition, and historicity are core considerations in the process of crafting an object. Sharing histories with craft-based knowledge, design discourse articulates function and intention to objects, systems, and environments. Technology – through evolution of tools, machines, and digital technology – has played a significant role in the evolution of craft and design, making new contexts, and transpiring new innovations. Through this residency, Khoj wishes to host critical artistic practices that situate the entanglement of craft and design in an ever-changing technological milieu.

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