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Some-Bodies: Bodily Narratives in Iranian Contemporary Art

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End Date

Body is one of the most controversial topics in relation to cultural differences, gender issues, social and political conflicts and etc. As Foucault insists on the historical specificity of the body, this has changed the ways of seeing the body as a social and historical product instead of seeing the body as an existential phenomenon.

In this exhibition the main focus is on different perspectives of seeing body in Iranian contemporary
art. The exhibition tries to showcase some different aspects referring to the body, not only as a physical subject but also as a narrative and conceptual notion. There are stories around these bodies and by showing different works, the exhibition tries to consider socio political environment that shape those stories and eventually the bodies.

Shirin Fathi, Ebrahim Noroozi, Sara Rajaei, Laurence Rasti, Behnam Sadighi

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