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Khirkee Residency

Khirkee Residency hosted three artists, Aziz Hazara, Rajyashri Goody and Tito Aderemi-Ibitola in residence at KHOJ for four weeks, enabling them to respond to the neighbourhood of Khirkee. Their residency culminated in the Khirkee Festival- a community festival that celebrates through art the neighbourhood and the people who live in it.

About this programme

In the run up to the Khirkee Festival in 2017, KHOJ announced its first ever Khirkee-based residency.

Three artists were in residence at KHOJ for four weeks, making work responding to the neighbourhood of Khirkee, where KHOJ is located. Their residency culminated in the Khirkee Festival- a community festival that celebrates, through art, the neighbourhood and the people who live in it.


Aziz Hazara, born in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, is an interdisciplinary artist who works with hybrid practice involving photography, video, performance, and installation. His work examines how body as a site develops into a landscape of lost/forgotten/scattered layers further dealing with the concerns of body and the sense of displacement. In Khirkee, he worked with the local Afghani community.

Rajyashri Goody is a visual artist and ethnographer, currently exploring themes of ‘recycling as resistance’, food politics, and the power of the written word within the context of caste and class. In Khirkee, she explored ways to play with text and food through a series of interactions with local community members.

Tito Aderemi-Ibitola is a transdisciplinary artist with a focus on performance. At KHOJ,  she explored community through the city soundscape and investigating ideas on migrancy and space.

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