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Pilot Residency 2001

The Pilot Residency program at KHOJ had no prescribed or curated thematic and its aim was to get a group of creative practitioners together to explore various concepts and ideas through their desired medium. The artists were invited to work together in a large warehouse in Khirkee, New Delhi.


About this edition

2001 welcomed the second pilot of this international residency project. The residency was restricted to video and photography, no separate studio spaces were rented. The artists lived and worked in the KHOJ guesthouse. They were networked with various institutions and professionals who could be of assistance to them. A loose arrangement was made with Jamia Millia’ Islamias Mass Communication and Research Center and Stat Photos – a commercial studio run by Ravi Pasricha.

Syeda Farhana went on to do another residency with SARAI after this KHOJ residency.


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