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Urban Diction

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Understanding the eclectic nature of Khoj and its location I work with different forms and shapes, particularly geometric ones in the process of exploring dichotomies I find inherent to individual and societal psyche. My work borrows from nature, my own culture, personal metaphors and everyday life that I transform into something of a fantasy. The work itself, however, is approached with a rather realistic visual language. I create stylized city scapes and building forms in a sculptural way, attempting to symbolise the constant race that we are engaged in today. These, as well as the found objects that I use in my work tend to gain new meaning by the way they are depicted. My work depicts the contrast and diversity between rural and urban existences in close proximity. These images are sometimes shown in single frames, or otherwise fragmented or spilling out of their frames. For the project I am working on at Khoj, burnt matchsticks and paper have become my main medium. In addition, I have decided to work with photographs and found objects from the Khirkee village—old wooden frames, water bottles, egg cartons, flower vases, etc. Burnt matchsticks serve me as a metaphor for the combustible city and its colossal constructs.

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