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Walk of Life

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The new works by the artistic duo Thukral & Tagra responds to Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum’s collection and space, exploring the idea of “play” from cultural, strategic, and psychological perspectives, with the title “Walk of life.”

Thukral & Tagra continue their exploration of the relationship between art and play.

The game is built upon the ancient Indian game called Ganjifa, Originally played with a set of 120 cards, the artists have turned it into a board game that depicts Dushavatar, the ten earthly incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu. The avatars can also be considered as the evolution of mankind: from fish, to reptile, to mammal, to human, to deity. The game aims to impart the meaning of life to those who play it, in effect by paying off one’s ‘debts’ and equalizing one’s ‘scores,’ which are recorded on the card of Karma.

*You can read Thukral and Tagra’s report here

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